3 things people do that i don't understand

Posted by Steve

Monday, June 6, 2022 8:12 PM

Hello, i'm currently immortal 1 grinded from platinum and honestly i don't feel difference beetwen this rank (in platinum sometimes i got players that played like iron but besides that skill is pretty much the same). And I can't understand 3 things.

  1. when pepole hear shots or at least one footstep they instantly call it's "b" this is very annoying.
  2. Another example is that somone hear shots but there is no info about anything yet and they rotate instantly leaving their position.
  3. Third and the worst thing is peeking alone, when you got the spike, there is not much time left, you know where enemy is, you have advantage 1v3+ and literally EVERY single game everyone is peeking 1 by 1 and my brain can't process this. And the best are people that flame you because you lost 1v1 but not mentioning your whole team just died 1 by 1 from 1 enemy.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/v5c9p2/3_things_people_do_that_i_dont_understand/
  • https://reddit.com/v5c9p2

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