3% XP Bonus

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 10, 2021 11:48 AM

I always thought Valorant is missing a XP Bonus for BattlePass ownage, but 3%?

Over the course of the whole BattlePass which is 1,1 Million XP, this is 33000 XP. Every 33th game you get one free. It's basically nothing.

In this case I would even rather vote for no XP bonus at all, because then you can decide buying the pass on the last day instead, which is amazing too.

I don't get it, should be 0% or at least 10%.

Edit:I learned from the comments, that its even less, because the 3% are only added to the match XP, not the daily and weekly missions.

Imagine getting 13600 XP from a game PLUS 84 bonus XP, oh weeee!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pl3ks9/3_xp_bonus/
  • https://reddit.com/pl3ks9

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