Posted by Steve
Saturday, November 28, 2020 7:43 PM
00 29CE4V
00 30DF5W
00 41EG6X
00 52FH7Y
00 63GI8Z
00 41OQ6H
00 52PR7I
00 63QS8J
00 74RT9K
00 07YA2R
00 18ZB3S
00 29AC4T
00 30BD5U
00 63EG8X
00 74FH9Y
00 85GI0Z
(they might be random since they switch... but just in case)
I have no clue on how to decode them to something meaningful... if you think of something let me know or join my discord where we have secret valorant codes from the past.
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Monday, June 7, 2021 10:21 AM