Posted by Steve
Monday, January 18, 2021 8:12 AM

Hello All !
So I began my FPS journey in 1999 with Quake 2 on LAN then moved to league level Quake 3 then Unreal Tournament on LAN.
In 2004, a buddy of mine introduced me to CS but I didn't like the concept of having to "buy" your weapons haha I tried again in 2005 with CS 1.6 & got instantly hooked. I got very good in just a few months particularly at awping & even surpassed my friends who had started playing CS before me. It was purely by accident that I discovered that the M4 & AK had spray patterns: something that was completely alien at that time unless you were pro. I competed at league level soon after. I never played Source & moved directly to CSGO as soon as it was released. I reached SMFC but got bored & quit back in December 2015.
In June 2019, I had a go at CSGO (pun intended :P) again but it didn't feel the same plus I was shocked at the number of hackers.
Earlier last year, a buddy of mine told me about a new upcoming game called Project A. I remember seeing their website for the first time & loved what they had to offer.
I've been playing Valorant daily since release as I was unable to acquire a beta key. I love this game & have taught my 11 year old son everything I know from my own experience with competitive FPS. He's been playing for 3 months & just climbed to Gold 3 through solo queue.
With the limited time I have to play daily, I reached Platinum 3 & needed one more win for Diamond 1 but was unable to play just before Patch 2.0. The issue I have is that for a month now, I have been unable to play properly. Even with all my experience, I've started making rookie mistakes & this infuriates me as I take this game very seriously. I always feel as if I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time & that my timing is the worst because as soon as I look away, I'm dead. Please help because I don't know what to do. Maybe I'm getting older or I need a break from Valorant. I've no idea. Maybe I need coaching as I'm mostly self taught & most of what I know I learned through watching others then developing concepts based on my own personal experiences.
Ever since this game was released, I've wanted to reach max rank using my experience & prove to both myself & my son that you can achieve anything you set your heart on but I feel like I'm playing this game for the first time as I feel as if I should just quit. Please help me out, dear people. Thank you. Apologies for the long post.
Edit: Sorry I forgot to mention that I main Sova & Omen. My secondary mains are Phoenix & Breach. I play Sova on Haven & Ascent & Omen on Bind & Split (I have yet to make my own lineups on those maps due to lack of time so I only know the default ones). I play Phoenix on Icebox & have had great success with him. Furthermore, I developed 70+ recon lineups & a few useful shock dart lineups for Ascent as I love this game.
Edit 2: I made this video from recent games:
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