5 aggressive chamber peeks you can use to win games

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 5:04 PM

5 aggressive chamber peeks you can use to win games

Last act I was playing a lot of chamber and started to find myself using aggressive peeks on defence to quickly make the round 5v4 or take early information. Below are some of my favourite peeks I used. I also made a video that has some clips of how I use aggressive positions to get early kills. The link to the video is at the bottom of the thread

  1. Icebox A

This one is by far the most fun to use. It works great with either an op or a rifle and can help to get an early kill when the enemy team are pushing A. You can either play on rafter or below and look towards the choke or belt. The goal here is to get one or two kill and then teleport to screens where you can retake as a team.

  1. Fracture B

I found that most players like to go towards B main early round on fracture so I started to use this teleport to get early information. A lot of the time it doesn’t necessarily lead to a kill as it’s a difficult angle to hold but if you take contact you can teleport off to tower and take a stronger position to stop the B push.

  1. Haven B

This one is one of the more aggressive and risky plays but it can lead to good early information and sometimes an early kill. The idea here is to hold if you know the enemy team likes to push mid or if they play it safer you can start to walk down and look towards grass where you can often get a kill on an unexpecting enemy. Also, by walking down mid you can start to hear where the enemies are moving towards and give calls to your team.

  1. Bind B

This one can be played in the same way as a Jett would play B long. It’s a lot better to play an op on this angle and teleport out after one kill. Most of the time when enemies push B they will send at least 2 long so it will help to slow down the push and you are able to teleport to back B site to stop the hookah push.

  1. Split A

This one basically only ever worked for me when I used an op as it’s a very tight angle to peek. The idea is to walk up until you can see the gap into A main and take an instant shot on the people pushing and teleport off to A elbow. For there you should be able to get another kill and set your team up for the 4v3 retake.

I hope those can help you win some more ranked games on chamber. If these don’t make sense hopefully the clips in the video will help but if not, I can explain more in the comments.



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/s6eqtq/5_aggressive_chamber_peeks_you_can_use_to_win/
  • https://reddit.com/s6eqtq

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