Posted by Steve
Saturday, December 26, 2020 1:28 AM
A few weeks ago I decided to change my mindset when playing solo queue. I realized that having good comms means you've won half the battle - when my team has good comms, chances are, we're winning that game. What ruins comms in solo queue? BAD TEAM CHEMISTRY and TOXICITY. So I vowed to become the shining beacon of positivity and non-toxicity in all my teams - no exceptions. Here's a few rules I came up with which I apply to every solo queue game now:
- Always be the first one to say Hi. A "what's up guys" or "how's it going boys" or even just a simple "hey" on voice comms goes a LONG WAY. It starts the game on a positive note and it opens up the comms for the entire team.
- Try to calm down players starting to get toxic. Just give them a little "hey bro let's all chill, we're down 4-5 on attack Split, we're doing pretty good". If it doesn't work and your teammate continues to be toxic - MUTE IMMEDIATELY. One less player on comms is not that much of a disadvantage.
- Give your team compliments. I love saying stuff like "Good pick man" "Nice fucking shot" whenever a teammate gets a first blood. Or maybe a "good hold, KJ" when she holds a site and manages to delay or even get picks. Simple things like that go a long way for team morale - even if you're losing.
- ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS say NICE TRY. Regardless of how bad the try actually was - your teammate for sure did his best - noone wants to lose on purpose. Plus it keeps their head in the game and keeps everyone focused on the next round. It's two letters guys - "NT" - it's not that hard to type.
- Thank your team after the game regardless of outcome. I feel like this isn't done enough. One guy a few weeks ago at the end of a game said "Thanks for the good game guys, see ya around". Freakin blew my mind how good it felt to be appreciated by a total stranger. I vote we start doing this ASAP.
There you go! I guarantee you'll have so much more fun. Even my girlfriend saw a change in me the past few weeks - she says I'm always laughing and joking around with teammates when playing now instead of raging or just malding the entire time. Try it!
Feel free to add more tips btw.
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