Posted by Steve
Friday, April 23, 2021 4:21 PM
Hey all! I've seen a lot of players be confused about Omen's primary role in a team. I wanted to give you all just 6 things to be cognizant of during your games to help you be in the right place at the right time.
- you are not first contact.
one of the best features of Omen, and the reason he is top tier, is that you have 2 free smokes every round and they regen over time. Try your best to get your 3rd or 4th smoke off as much as possible.
- place high quality smokes.
make sure your smokes are blocking their vision but not giving them covered access in the area you are wanting to control. So if you're smoking a doorway for instance, make sure your smoke is on THEIR side of the doorway, otherwise they can walk through and be unpredictable for your team
- if you are with your team taking a site, you HAVE to trade out with your entry frags.
If jett dashes onto site, you have to walk out and use the space they make for you. Don't just sit back trying to line up the perfect smokes, if they go you need to help fill that space.
- if you are lurking, you cannot die
the role of lurk isn't to flank, especially as Omen. your job is to take space that the enemy team is leaving for free, and then to pick up info and react accordingly. Sometimes the correct reaction is to flank, but it shouldn't be your expectation. a lot of times, you having mid control allows your team to switch the site they are taking on Attack, and you can get picks in the Defense rotation because they don't realize how much ground you've taken mid.
- play positions that make sense for Omen
narrow corridors that your paranoia (blind) can fully cover. Such as A short on Bind, B main on Split. Be sure to position yourself to play in complimentary positions to your agent. Also positions with vertical options so you are unpredictable on Defense.
- coordinate with your teammates for aggressive plays
On Defense for B main on Ascent, you can fully paranoia the entrance and Jett/Raze can safely capitalize on blinded enemies. The main unique quality to paranoia is that it's SO wide. You can find plays like this on every map. Be sure to talk to your team and do these plays once or twice in, preferably early in a half to keep the enemy guessing.
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Posted by Otto
Monday, October 25, 2021 12:45 PM
Suggestions for agents to use as mains?
Posted by Otto
Saturday, October 29, 2022 6:02 AM
Accidently found this dart not sure how it can be useful maybe fake A

Posted by Otto
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 11:33 PM