61 Do's and Don'ts for you newbies out there!

Posted by Steve

Friday, October 15, 2021 7:29 PM

61 Do's and Don'ts for you newbies out there!

Hey all!

I am a Radiant player here to share some important tips you should know. Recently I wrote an article catered for new players that explains essential concepts in a do and don't format.

The article explains various tactical shooter fundamentals whilst including tips for certain agents, maps and weapons. If you aren't a newbie it still might be worth a read as there are quite a few niche tricks scattered throughout.

Hope there is something new here for you to learn.

GL with your climb!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/q83pt5/61_dos_and_donts_for_you_newbies_out_there/
  • https://reddit.com/q83pt5

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