A discussion on the voice line 'Enemy Spotted'

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 6, 2023 6:02 AM

Players playing from Episode 1 can relate the most to this topic.

If you've played the game since the beginning, you may have noticed several changes that have been made over time. One of these changes is to the "Enemy spotted" voice prompt. In the past, agents would only say "enemy spotted," but now they also indicate the location, such as "enemy spotted A" or "enemy spotted mid."

It was great to hear the plain simple enemy spotted back then. The way every agent said it sounded amazing.
I miss phoenix saying "Enemy spoiled" or "Bunch of guys here", Raze saying "I see multiple enemies" , Reyna saying "Multiple enemies ahead", Cypher saying "I see someone", Sage saying "I see the spike" or any agent saying "Enemy Spotted". It was just perfect.

When they changed the prompt, I felt like I was the only one who discovered the change as nobody discussed about it. I was disappointed by the changes bought.

I'll be glad if an option to toggle between just "Enemy Spotted" and "Enemy spotted A/B/Mid" is provided


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/138qa86/a_discussion_on_the_voice_line_enemy_spotted/
  • https://reddit.com/138qa86

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