A /kick maybe

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 4, 2021 7:43 PM

Just played a game where an AFK had a running bot. The guy gets on coms and tells the teams he's doesn't plan to play only to shit talk us 15 rounds in. They also would spawn in front of the spike (on icebox) and run into mid making the round almost unwinnable. I have seen other posts complaining about things similar to this and I believe a /kick could solve a lot of problems.

Things like throwers, AFKs, toxic players, or even smurfs could be impacted if a team could kick a player.

This would of course need balancing to stop the team from kicking the bottom player just to get the extra econ. or it could not work at all if the player being kicked if they are in a duo queue. I think a system where a team will only get the full econ boost if the player being kicked either doesn't vote in the decision (so allow all five players to vote and if it ends with 4-0) or as a combat score of less then a specified amount. If the said player does vote (a 4-1 vote) then the team could get a reduced or no compensation. This of course is up to the discrepancy of the devs but it is just an idea.

Also, an auto-mute for the said player would be needed for toxicity reasons. What do you think of this idea?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kq1umr/a_kick_maybe/
  • https://reddit.com/kq1umr

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