Posted by Steve
Saturday, June 4, 2022 4:50 PM
Everything that break/disable the trip
-Sova shock dart
-Sova ult
-Sova drone
-Skye dog
-Breach aftershock
-Kay/o molly
-Kay/o knife
-Kay/o ult
-Raze nade
-Raze satchel
-Raze boom bot
-Raze ult
-Phoenix ult
-Yoru clone
-Brim ult
-Fade prowler
-Any form of prefiring
16 different ability counters
And here's another list for everything that can get around cypher trip
-Omen tp
-Omen ult
-Jett updraft
-Reyna dismiss
-Raze satchel
-Yoru tp
-Yoru ult
-Chamber tp
-Sage wall
9 different ability counters
Also, his trips are placed in the middle of the action rather than the side which means they are more likely to break while everyone is utility spamming and they have the biggest hit box since making the trip wire bigger means there's more room for error for when breaking a trip. Also add 8 more counters as 8 abilities can also break cypher trip even if cypher is on your team for a total of 23 things that can break or get around cypher trip.
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