Posted by Steve
Friday, March 19, 2021 2:12 PM
Currently sitting in diamond 2, and every once in a while after a few bad rounds one person will get extremely toxic and say something negative- from the usual "stop being so fucking bad" to spamming surrender votes when you're down 2 rounds, to the "why do you peek idiot" and the slurs, these teammates just aren't worth putting up a fight with.
Knowing how important comms are in this game, you might be tempted to say, "well, it's just a little toxic but I need the calls" but the truth is, one players' comms isn't going to make that big of a difference. Constant negativity and toxicity can affect the way that you play and someone yelling at every play you make doesn't just make you upset- it affects your confidence even if you don't realise it and you'll either end up tilted or afraid of taking fights or messing up.
The one strike rule can make your games so much more bearable- the next time you have someone being toxic, make a point of muting them and continuing to promote positive comms with your teammates. That one person's comms aren't going to be the game ender for you. You have 3 other people to comm with, and they can always make calls from the missing player's perspective. 4 positive, team-oriented players will always beat 5 miserable ones. Similarly, don't beat yourself up too much over small mistakes and don't let other players do the same to you either. Play your game with your team to the best of your ability! Everyone has an off-game or two, or three, or four, or fi- you get it.
Good luck out there!
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