A moderate Yoru buff suggestion

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 4:07 AM

I've noticed that there are a couple of spots where you can cast a Yoru clone and he gets trapped facing foward, meaning you have a static decoy which really helps bring an extra dynamic especially when defending.

I don't think it'd be a gamebreaking buff to simply allow Yoru to place a static clone, it would be a nice little tool that fits the design while not overpowering any element of him. i wouldn't even mind them rolling back his insane flash time change in favour of this as it enhances what makes him unique rather than just buffing him in a boring brute force way.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/yjbseo/a_moderate_yoru_buff_suggestion/
  • https://reddit.com/yjbseo

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