Posted by Steve
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 7:00 PM
Brim's stim beacon is one of the most underwhelming abilities in the game and because of that, it makes Brimstone one of the bottom tier characters. I think because of this Brim's stim beacon ability needs to be changed.
Currently, Brim's stim beacon increases the fire rate of everyone in the radius of the beacon. This increase in fire rate is really not that use full. And many times can even backfire because it also increases the spray. Furthermore, lower ELO people don't even understand what this ability does and use it in completely useless situations. Because of that, I feel this ability needs to be reworked to a more useable ability.
Currently, only 2 agents can heal other agents, one is sage, and the other is Skye. So adding more abilities that can heal will not hamper the game too much. I think if the stim beacon heals everyone near the beacon it will be better than improving the fire rate. This will make Brim from one of the underwhelming characters to a good character.
This heal does not have to be really powerful. It could be that everyone in the beacon is healed by a maximum of 50HP.
Or the other way it can heal could be that if you damage an enemy inside the influence of the beacon, you are given half the HP you damaged to a max of 75HP.
Also instead of healing, one more thing it can do is restore the shield/armor to the max value they purchased at the start of the round.
Both of these ways I think will make Brim's stim beacon a lot more viable and increase his pick rate.
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