A silver getting 1-2 immortals in Unrated is just not fun

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 1:00 AM

Just to be clear here in talking about UNRATED.

I play unrated for fun, just like most of the people. In Unrated most people just chill and play the game however they like and just have fun.

But recently i've been getting immortals (even got a radiant 2-3 times) in my team or the opponent team.

I get it, unrated is well... Unrated. But its just not fun to play with very high ranking players when I'm just a silver trying to have fun and play the game.

The game tries its best to "balance it out" by putting 1 or 2 immortal on each team. But what about us low rank players that have to play with/against these immortals. They're just very good so they carry you the whole game while you are up against one or two immortals yourself and have to somehow win against them. Ofcourse you can catch them off guard by doing some sneaky plays like camping hooka with a judge, being at an off angle, etc. But I'd just like to play how i usually play.

I would have to play ranked to get people with my rank. As im from a really toxic region, I'd rather stick to unrated.

I'm fine with playing with people from gold, plat, even diamond but after that it get way too hard to play against those people so a max limit would be nice.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/p5f9hc/a_silver_getting_12_immortals_in_unrated_is_just/
  • https://reddit.com/p5f9hc

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