A-Site Ascent Retake Lineups - KJ

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 29, 2021 1:14 PM

A-Site Ascent Retake Lineups - KJ

Hey everyone,

I am sharing this setup I use while playing KJ on ascent. It works really well if performed correctly and should net you a few good rounds. I suggest trying it out in customs till you have it down. I hope you enjoy it and I am sorry for the crappy raw footage/my ADHD. I don't make many videos, so I know I am all over the place. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Take care. I got the idea for this because I have lost so many Ascent games, its by far my worst map. As you can tell by the video, the lineup is pretty precise, so I would recommend practicing it to get it down before you try to impress your teammates. I really hope this helps like I said, I used this in immortal/radiant games and the only thing that will prevent you from pulling this off is if they shoot your molly, or rush the ult itself. So make sure you team knows what you are doing so they don't destroy the ult.^((o)) Shrony (o)) Let me know what you think below!

Retake Link

Bonus 1v3 Clutch :D



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/l79z72/asite_ascent_retake_lineups_kj/
  • https://reddit.com/l79z72

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