A truly incredible unrated experience!

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 10, 2021 6:45 AM

I'm a 29 year old father of two, so this game is not of priority to me. But, a few times a week I dabble and play mostly unrated. Currently G3, but have been D1 in my earlier times playing. Played beta and all, just not into ranked games as much since game time is limited these days.

I experienced the best game of unrated last night. There were no screamers, no toxicity, no bad morale. It was a team full of mic users and we simply enjoyed our game.

Each round, we cycled a strat chosen by the next teammate in line. Sometimes we full stacked a site, sometimes we would all ult simultaneously when the round started, sometimes four people would run out and let one person try to ace, etc.

The enemy team caught on, they were super chill too. Plenty of knife fights enjoyed.

It was good times, wish every Valorant night was like last night.

Hope you all have a great morning!


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pkwj7i/a_truly_incredible_unrated_experience/
  • https://reddit.com/pkwj7i

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