A way to buff yoru

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, September 7, 2021 4:36 PM

So lately I've been trying to main yoru and thought I'd have a crack at trying to buff yoru.

C ability (Fakeout) - for his fake footsteps, yoru can "curve" his fakes, meaning his fake footsteps can move and go around some obstacles. Another implementation is that he can control where his footsteps go, kinda like how Skye can control her birds.

E ability (gatecrash) - Firstly, I think his tp should be faster. Secondly, when he teleports he temp blinds anyone looking at him. It won't be a full blind. It'll only be like when you look away from a blind to try to avoid it. (not really sure how else to word it).

Ultimate (Dimensional Drift) - Yoru's ult works as per usual except when he gets to close to an enemy, they get blind sighted for as long as he is close to them. Also, when he is close to an enemy and exits his ult, the enemy stays blind sighted for half a second.

That's about all I could think of without changing his abilities too much. What do you guys think?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/pjclhw/a_way_to_buff_yoru/
  • https://reddit.com/pjclhw

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