A way to counter Odins.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 11, 2021 11:33 PM

Yes, all of the people in low elo have been complaining about the odin being too OP and getting simple shredded by it. So I decided to make a guide to how to counter it for low elo.

  1. Never repeek an Odin: Once an Odin player knows ur in a corner, they will either prefire it or just wallbang u to get a kill. U should probably just peek and try to kill him with a single peek. In low elo, people don't keep changing their positions and hold one area for the whole half. So it becomes easier for u to predict where they are going to peek.

  2. Recoil Control: When u compare the recoil of a Vandal/Phantom to that of an Odin, the bullets take much more time in an Odin to start shooting upwards than Vandal/Phantom. Thus u will notice that most Odin players end up starting their shots on the body and then move to the legs. This is where having a Vandal comes clutch. U just need to memorise the crosshair placement and kill them in 1-3 shots ( u cant hit 4 bodyshots because even if the Odin hits u on the legs, u die b4 hitting the 4 shots).

This is my way of countering the Odin and if there are more suggestions u can tell it to me in the comments.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/momtby/a_way_to_counter_odins/
  • https://reddit.com/momtby

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