A way of giving back to Valorant community?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 20, 2021 8:40 PM

I have been playing Valorant for quite some time now and wanted to do something to help the Valorant community. So whenever I'm bored I'll hop on to twitch, find small Valorant streamers who are live, go give them a follow and interact with them ( tbh a lot of them are genuinely good and deserve more views and follows )

It may not mean much for us to give a follow but it would mean a lot to them. We all know how hard it is to work for something when we aren't getting any results. This is kinda like my way to show them some love and appreciation

Every time I followed someone, I can instantly see their face light up with joy, which in turn makes me happy. If I have more time, I'll interact with them in chat, ask questions about them or the game in general. Who knows, I could have made someone's day by just spending a few mins of my spare time

If any of you have some spare time, do try this out (:


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/m8cgmt/a_way_of_giving_back_to_valorant_community/
  • https://reddit.com/m8cgmt

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