Account-level requirement option for competitive

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 17, 2021 4:07 AM

There should be an option to play with accounts level 30 and higher when entering the competitive mode. A button to check in a settings tab to avoid playing people who are smurfing in low elo. It would make it more difficult to get a bunch of low-level smurfs in my plat or gold games and I think it could help a lot. plz. help.

EDIT: I appreciate everyone's input and appreciate the discussion, I see that there are some flaws to this suggestion. What I didn't communicate clearly was that this wouldn't stop people from a certain level (like 30 which doesn't have to be the number it could be 15 or 20) from playing competitive. It would just allow people who play competitive to match with other players who have also played the game for a while. If you are Q'd with a player who is under (whatever level riot decides) you would match with other low level accounts and anyone who hasn't changed this suggested setting to exclude low levels from their competitive matches. I understand the logic is not perfect because people buy accounts to boost or someone could just account share. It is just a suggestion due to having a lot of low level accounts (25 and under) in my competitive games lately.



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