Achievments in Valorant (idea)

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 1, 2021 1:00 AM

Long story short: i completed the BP in the first 30-40 days and got my goal act rank.

Since i got my rank there is no real reason for me to play the game besides leveling the agent contracts. This gets broing tho. (I stilm play daily xD)

I think a system that lets us grind more would be really good. The XP system is really grindy, wich I like, but it gets boring with time.

A great idea imo would be achievment for example: Get 1000 kills with phantom for phantom skin Get 100 kills with shorty for shorty skin Get 1000 deathmatch kills for a gunbuddy or playertitle/playercard.

Dont get me wrong im not begging for free items, (I've spent roughly 300 bucks on this game) it would just be something really cool to grind for. I love grinding and i Hope riot ads those achievments so people actually get something for playing the game. Having a sherrif skin to show your mates that u popped 500 heads with it would be super epic.

Would be a cool system to make the game interesting after completing the BP and having achieved a certain ranked.



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