Activatable abilities issue.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 20, 2021 12:02 PM

Every single ability that can be activated like Killjoy's nanoswarm's, Yoru's footsteps and Astra's stars were changed a few patches ago, now you need to look DIRECTLY on the ability to activate it, this is annoying for Killjoy players like me who want to activate both mollies at the same time but have trouble due to needing to flick to the second molly, I need to position myself in weird angles to be able to activate both at the same time.
I can see why they did this though, it was most likely for Astra because she has more abilities to worry about in her view, maybe keep the change with Astra but revert the current change off of Killjoy and Yoru?
I have seen other Killjoy players complain about this.



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