Posted by Steve
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 9:09 AM
After playing for more than 1000 hours on valorant, I’ve noticed a couple features that I think should be part of the game.
Let’s start!
First off, replays. Yes, we’ve been asking for it for a while. I don’t think I need to explain here!
Second feature, an equivalent to CS cl_righthand (which allows to swap left/right hand via a bind) would be very awesome. (For situations where your weapon is hiding an angle. I could show some example if needed)
Third feature, having tips on loading screens (like map loading) would be great, especially for beginners. For many, Valorant is the first FPS game that they ever touched, having tips such as “crosshair head level”, “don’t insult ur mate” etc could help them getting better! (plus, it's not like it's hard to implement lol)
Fourth feature, something like a research bar in settings. It is very annoying to lose time, trying to find one bind (like graffiti! WHERE IS IT!). A simple research bar would fix that. (yeah, I'm really lazy...)
So yeah! I think that’s about it. I hope I’ll be able to see some of those features getting added soon. (erm the second one!!). Do you guys know any other "missing" features that I didn't mention? Tell me, I could add them! i guess
PS.: Not really a feature, but I wanted to address it anyways:
Even tho I don't really have any solutions, there's a problem that should probably be getting more attention: racism (and sexism as well, I suppose). If valorant has taught me something, it’s that a shit ton of people hates French Canadians. I genially cannot believe how common it is for me to get racist remarks on my origins. Getting racist remarks first round in, isn’t what would call a “good gaming experience”. Like come on, I’m speaking your language, carrying yo, giving info, etc. and all I get for that is racist remarks over my in game name/ my accent… Those don’t really affect me anymore, but what about younger French Canadians… Here I’m talking about French Canadians, but no need to say that this probably applies to any other nationalities… I’m aware of the report feature, but I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t see any results… And even then, it’s great if they get ‘punished’ for this behavior, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m gonna be sitting with them for a whole game. (how to break a mood in a few steps ngl.) Some may think that at the end of the day, it’s not that much of a deal, but, at least for me, and I doubt being the only one, it made me quit valorant for more than 4 months. Which is obviously not what a game developer want lol.
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