Actual unpopular opinion. Duelists and elo advantage is overblown

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 16, 2021 1:14 PM

Alot of posts about how everyone should play duelists or is playing duelists because it allows greater Elo are some opinions

  1. More mechanically skilled players gravitate towards duelists which is why they always seem to be performing better

  2. Support characters actually have better opportunities to get frags by trading thier duelists on offense and getting easy picks on rotates and exit frags on defense.

  3. Everyone has the same weapons, maybe the duelists has an ability to initiate a gun fight but that can create and easy advantage for yourself as well if you know how to play with it.

  4. Everyone is entitled to play whatever kind of character they want, and tbh team comp doesn't even really matter unless it's a pro game.

Alot of supports popped off hard during the December valorant pro tournament (steel comes to mind). Maybe work on your game instead of blaming things outside your control?



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