Posted by Steve
Saturday, March 25, 2023 1:57 PM
As I've said before and will continue to say until it becomes true, Riot should add more shop slot. It's tiring to wait for months just to get the skin you want, I had a friend who waited like 3 months to get Prime Vandal. Also, the skins in game increases like every 2 weeks since Riot keeps releasing bundles, making the chances of your desired skin appearing slim. Right now I don't have the motivation to play since I've been waiting for Gaia's Vandal to appear since I wanna use that skin but it hasn't in like 4 months.
Riot should at least make the shop's slot from 4 to 8. That way, with all the skins being added to the game there's still a chance for your desired skin to appear sooner rather than waiting for months.
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