Posted by Steve
Friday, March 26, 2021 1:28 AM
As many of you know, valrant got a mode called “ deathmatch” where You can shoot guns. As a experinced valrant player for maney years, Before i start playeing a competive Spike rush match, I always practice the fundamentels of Valrant to always improve: watching the Mini map for the red spots, Turning on my sound Volume to maximum to hear enemyes foot steps, and Running to the best corners/hideing spots depending on the map. However, this game mode is prety annoying to play beacuse it gets BOREING waiteing for people to Walk past so i Can use juge or Odan to kill them. It seems like nobody actualy wants to use mode: death match to improve there skills. All they do is run around the map with there crutch guns out (prime vandle and phantom)and get sniped every where. But expereinced valrant vetrans like me (Trust me i almost Got to rank: iran 2 last Season but there was so much hackers to handle) know hhow to go camping for kills to practice the true Fundamentles of the game, which is how it should actualy be played.
One of the most requested ideas that people want is that riot gota add TENTS into deathmatch so when you camp its more comfortble. And it encourges more People to go campeing alot. Heres the idea: when you find a good Corner or hiding spot, You get ability called “Tent” which you can set up a tent to camp in. When your in the tent, your radar gets better and you can Wach the mini map so You can start shooteing your Odan before they go in front of you. Also in the tent You get buffed Heareing abilitey so when the red Spot on the mini map goes away, you Can still rely on your sound.
Here is what the tent should Look like in the game:
Overall, the only bad thing that gona happen when riot adds tent abilitey into valrant is that everyone Gonna get realy good very fast so it might be very Hard to rank up.
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