Adding assist appreciation voicelines

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 2:12 AM

Adding assist appreciation voicelines

After watching this video by Sir Swag ( comparing a game with nearly no toxicity (Deep Rock Galactic) and Valorant it really made me think if toxicity in Valorant was inevitable simply because of its nature as a competitive game.

Even though I don't think it would completely negate toxicity, Valorant could benefit from something DRG does to promote positive interactions between players, being a LOT of automatic voice lines. Even though many agents have voicelines for using their util like phoenix flash, I think it would be even better to take it a step further and add voicelines between specific agents when they assist a kill or use their utility in a certain combination. This would be a fantastic addition not only to foster a real sense of teamwork and cooperation that Valorant was supposedly based upon, but add a lot of personality to the agents and make them really seem like a team that works together every day. It would definitely make support agents a lot more appealing as well, because like Sova says, "A little recognition is nice, now and then."



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