Posted by Steve
Friday, December 11, 2020 8:55 PM
Where my Brimstone mains at? Brimstone is such an undervalued character in the current Valorant meta. His smokes are of the highest tier in game, his molly is both powerful and long-lasting and the recent buff to his combat stim, which makes the fire-rate of all agents who step into its radius 25% faster (comparable to that of Reyna during her ult), is strong yet underused. All these things aside I feel like Brimstone needs another small buff.
My thought was to give Brimstone a 4th smoke as a recharge upon kills, similar to Jett's dash or Phoenix's hot hands. So, after 2 kills, Brimstone would receive a 4th smoke (or just an additional smoke depending on how many the user bought during the buy phase). This seems like a great buff idea to me considering most, if not all, the smokes you use as Brimstone will be during the early parts of the round when you are trying to take control of a site. Earning an additional smoke for the post plant would be rewarding and helpful for both offensive and defensive positions.
Anyway, let me know what you all think. Is this a good idea or do you have other Brimstone buffs in mind? Or, is Brimstone fine the way he is?
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