Advice to each and every player in valorant

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 16, 2021 11:48 PM

hello fellow players ! Jett one trick here :D ....and this post is just to remind u all who dont play duelist that when you're duelist enters the site for the team , YOU FOLLOW THEM INSTEAD OF SITTING BACK IN BIND A SHORT WATCHING FLANK WHEN A KILLJOY TURRET IS ALREADY DOING THAT JOB !! We are not equipped to get 3 or 4 kills on our own but to get the opening frag , and create space inside to site to plant the bomb , even if we die in the process .... only when you follow us and have our back , you will be able to trade kills when there are more than one person holding a choke point .

1.Controllers - Don't smoke heaven and ct of every site immediately after the round starts ! By the time we get the opening kill and we enter the site , the smokes are already gone and a person peaks us from heaven and kills us . Smoke when the site is open and ur team is entering

2.sentinels - Lurking is one of ur main roles . If u don't like to lurk and wanna take gunfights ,that affects the team a lot and also if ur a killjoy / cypher , please play passively as ur utility is watching our flank

3.initators - Dont expect ur duelists to run into a site without any info . its ur role to get us that

4.duelists - one word - Entry ! ...dont go b alone and lurk thru spawn as a raze ! rather use ur boombot and paintshells to forcibly take ground .. same goes for other duelists . Jetts , use ur smokes and dash to create space , phoenix and reyna , flash and entry the site , dont pick yoru ..

good day mates !!



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