Advice for mid elo players (gold-plat) dealing with constant toxicity.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:55 PM

I’ve done my best to be a good team mate every time I log on. I don’t get a ton of time to play, so I like to make my matches meaningful when I get the chance and play to win. I usually play controller, and comm as reasonably as I can, even attempt to IGL if no one else is comming. I always end up talking to a wall, and at the end of the game, if we lose, I’ll get called a terrible player if I wasn’t team mvp as controller. It’s incredibly frustrating to take the game some what seriously and play to win while the rest of your team seems to be trolls. I’ve lost 12 of my last 15 games because of this I’m not kidding. What do you guys do when faced with bad team mates? How do you reel them in and get them to participate instead of playing their own game?



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