Advice posts for Bronze/Silvers are neat, but the reality for casual ranked players is a little more difficult than that

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 2, 2021 7:43 PM

I can read advice all day, but the reality for anyone playing a handful of rounds here and there and not 5 stacking the bronze/silver queue is that it's a bad experience many times. I played 4 games:

Game 1: Teammate immediately says he's throwing and trying to get to iron. Berates teammates and disconnects round 2. Comes back and annoys the team. Fortunately, still win.
Game 2: Teammate has 2400 ping in the first round, DC'd end of second round so can't remake. Get rolled, F5
Game 3: Locked in, guy in the menus demanded the last dude dodge. He didn't game started, and dude cried about. Then said he was throwing because he hated the map. Loss
Game 4: 2 guys playing together didn't like our comp after the game started. 1 dude said he was throwing. A few rounds in they both dc'd at the same time. F5

I report all day, but these people don't care. They are on smurfs, alts, whatever. Feels impossible to get out



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