Posted by Steve
Friday, December 30, 2022 10:21 AM
I just went into a ranked game with a raze nading me each round and a reyna that went afk, and even though I did my best, I decided this wasn't exactly a 'fun experience' so I ff'd and so did my team. I got -22 after winning game after game with +16 -through +18 and I seriously get -22? Like shouldn't Riot at least have a little bit of compensation for an afk in your game?
More Like This
RIOT dont give a f about account booster, and I have the proof
I reported litterally hundred of account booster with tickets to riot, with multiple proof of account boosting.
You know how many of them got banned? ZERO
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:02 AM
Rank System
Hey guys i got a question about the rank system.
I started this act as Gold 1 and played my way up to Platin 2. Do i need to win now some matches in Platin 2 to get the gun buddy at the end of the season 6?
And what happens if i derank bac...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 4:36 PM
How are 5 people supposed to vote if there is 1 afk???
This Happened a while ago but I want to post this incase it hasn't been found.
Posted by Otto
Saturday, May 1, 2021 4:50 PM