After releasing 250+ purchasable skins, Valorant store still has 4 skin slots, and I'm basically a walking skeleton

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 29, 2022 12:02 AM

Now I didn't actually count the number of skins that have a price tag on them but I'm assuming it's more than 250 purchasable skins released and we still have a rotation based store with four slots. Now will someone do the math and tell me how this is working out to be profitable exactly? I've been waiting for the RGX Vandal for 3 months now and it still hasn't appeared in my store yet!

So many patches and so many bug fixes later, this "feature" hasn't been patched yet. I thought after "a certain pro player" waited for an eternity, grew old with silver hair and finally got his Ion Sheriff and yelled on stream (blew my mind...and eardrums) they would get the message and rework their store, but no.

I'm pretty sure the Valorant community would appreciate if they made it 8 slots instead of 4. Or at least 6, but not 4 man!

Edit: Hear me out. The more they delay giving it to me the more they delay me getting bored of it and getting the next skin. So.....

Edit 2: Thanks for the awards kind strangers.



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