Agent Concept: Artemis

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 4, 2021 7:00 AM

Name: Artemis

Role: Sentinel

Signature Ability: 3 Charges. 100 creds.

Explosive Arrow- Charge up an arrow with Primary Fire. Let Go to shoot an explosive arrow that embeds itself into the wall. After an enemy walks past it, it explodes dealing 40 damage close to it and 30 damage a little further.

Ability 1: 2 Charge. 200 Creds.

Arrow Spray- Hold Primary to charge up an arrow. Fire to shoot a large arrow that breaks into 6 arrows on impact. These arrows can bounce once and each deal 20 damage. The original arrow deals 20 damage.

Ability 2: 1 Charge. 200 Creds.

Impact Quail- Instantly send out a Radianite Quail that flies forward 30 meters. If it gets into LoS of an Enemy, it looks toward it and reveals it on the map. After it has flown, or touches an enemy, it explodes, sending a pulse that pushes enemies back.

Ultimate: 7 Ult Points

Team VC: Slow Their Advance

Enemy VC: Your Advance is Futile

Arrow Rain: Look upwards and Launch 12 arrows that spread and cover about a site worth of area in front of you. These arrows each have 25 hp. When an enemy walks near, it explodes, concussing the enemy for 1 sec. Pushing the enemy back 3-5 m, and dealing 15 damage. Teammates cannot trigger the arrows, but can be hit by the blast.



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