Agent concept: Claire

Posted by Steve

Sunday, May 15, 2022 3:24 PM

Role: Controller

Basically a canadian radiant girl with water powers bla bla bla im not good with character descriptions

Kit moment

C ability, Purifying pool, 150 creds, 1 charge. (Considering changing it cuz healing isnt really the most useful thing ever) After pressing c, Left click to activate a healing aoe (size of brim's stim beacon, which heals players 6hp per second (lasts 12 seconds, max 72hp heal)

Q ability, Blasting Wave, 200 creds, 2 charges Q open, l-click activate, as simple as that Throw a decently-sized wave (similar to omen's blind, just that it can't go through walls) which in contact will push enemies away (affects recoil), if enemy gets pushed into an obstacle or wall, they will be concussed for a 3 seconds, but if nothing comes in contact with them they will recieve blur for 8 seconds. (thinking if adding deafen to it but probably too strong)

(Blur basically blurs the screen a bit, hides map, and ur unable to identify between teammates and enemies)

E ability, Bubble orb, 100 creds, 2 charges, 40 second cooldwn, smoke duration 25 seconds (your tipical smoke, with a twist) E to open left click to activate yknow the deal Click to throw bubble forward, hold and move camera to slightly move it, after coming in contact with anything it will pop into the smoke, now here's the twist, hold e while aiming at the smoke to move the smoke(maybe strong idea but to balance it out you will be slowed if inside smoke and smoke doesnt really move that quick) but wow yeah moving smokes

X ability, Sea's might, 7 or 8 ult points So, kinda combined some things but its okay. Take something like, fade's ult, that's the size of this thing. X TO OPEN CLICK TO ACTIBATE after activating launch a tsunami which will flood the targetted area, while the tsunami is occuring, enemies and teammates in it's path will be pushed agaisnt it, causing blur, slow for 15 seconds and if they hit a wall or something, concussion for 5, flooded areas will cause lower gravity, slower bullet speed (not too much but enough to notice a slight difference) also no nearsight or anything its just a clear viper's pit with annoying physics but it's meant to somehow help against pushing since you can kinda push a viper's pit it'd be kinda hard to push a flood since bullets slower so harder to hit and whatever, you can also see through the flood but yknow dodging bullets is easier and all, after 15 of her not being in her flood the flood will dry out and just dissapear

Now for like personal aspect and personality if anyone is even interested in that she got like a magic ring and hoodie for all of the abilities she uses the ring to make the magic happen but for the ultimate she takes all of the bubbles in the hoodie bla bla and woo power strong

Shes overly anxious about everything and really concerned about everyone's safety and really afraid of somehow accidentally killing phoenix

Tell me any ways to switch this around, i decided to make this a full concept just because of the moving smokes things to be honest.

After a couple of discussions we have decided to name her Sunami since we don't stan Claire



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