Agent Concept: Dune

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 15, 2022 5:05 PM

Originating from Egypt, Male Radiant Dune controls sand to cover sidelines and allows easy executes.
Role: Controller

Signitature ability: Sandstorm
Charges: 3 - Cost: 1 Free, 100 cr
Equip a pouch filled with sand. Fire to throw the pouch. When hitting a floor the pouch creates a smoke of sand. Smoke lasts for 15 seconds.

Q Ability: Quicksand
Charges: 1 - Cost: 200 cr
Take out a bit of sand. Fire to create a pit of quicksand that slows enemies. Pit activates once the first enemy steps into it. Can not be seen if not activated. Once the pit is activated it lasts for 6 seconds and is visible.

C Ability: Powder Grit
Charges: 1 - Cost: 200 cr
Summon a small tornado of Sand. Fire to send it forward pushing everyone it hits forward.

Ultimate Ability: Deserted Soil
Charges: 7 Ultimate Orbs
Dune fills both his hands with sand. Fire to create a giant sandstorm that nearsights enemies and does damage over time. Sandstorm lasts for 13 seconds.

I cant get enough from creating my own agent concepts. Once again leave impressions in the comments if you want to. Thank you for reading! ^^



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