Agent Concept: Elixir

Posted by Steve

Sunday, October 16, 2022 12:02 AM

Polish Scientist Elixir uses and combines potions to initiate actions and clear ground.

Explanation: Elixir would introduce a new type of charges: Potions. These work similar to astra stars, but are thrown instead. Potions can be combined to create new effects. Elixir gets one potion for free per round. 3 extra ones can be bought for 200 cr each.

Signature "Ability": Bluefire
Equip a blue potion. Fire to throw. Creates a blue flamefield on impact that deals damage. Field lasts fr 6 seconds.

Q "Ability": Earthquake
Equip a yellow potion. Fire to throw. Creates a field on impact that stuns enemies walking into it. Field lasts for 6 seconds.

C "Ability": Bloody Fog
Equip a red potion. Fire to throw. Creates a field on impact that nearsights enemies. Field lasts 6 seconds.

Ultimate Ability: Mixture of Madness
Cost: 7 Ultimate Orbs
Elixir mixes all his potions into one. Fire to throw. Creates a giant explosion on impact that slows, decays and nearsights enemies caught inside.

Combine Potions:
Potions can be combined. Throwing 2 different Potions into the same spot will result in a different effect. Potions can be combined if the area of effects to eachother. The place the effect happens is always the spot of the first potion that landed. Combined effects are stronger then single ones, but are more costly. A third potions thrown into a combined one will have its normal effect.
Blue + Yellow: Creates a small explosion that deals damage and stuns
Yellow + Red: Pulls enemies into the centre and nearsights them. Lasts for 4 seconds.
Red + Blue: Creates a Field that decays and slows enemies when entering it. Field lasts for 4 seconds.

I hope you liked this one! Feedback is apprecaited, as always. Thank you for reading! ^^



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