Posted by Steve
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 7:00 PM
An agent concept I thought up instead of studying for my finals. Please enjoy and thanks for reading!
Agent Name: Hush (Agent 08)
Type: Initiator
Footsteps: Medium
“Finally… some peace and quiet.” - MVP Quote
A talented agent that can manipulate sound, Hush strikes his targets quickly and quietly. From prying agents from their radiantite-powered equipment and abilities to being able to detect enemies with echo-location, Hush can pick apart any defense with ease.
Personality and Story:
“Keep calm and aim for center mass.” - Match Start
Not every Radant’s life became easier or more enjoyable with the First Light (just look at Omen). Hush’s ability to manipulate noise came at a high cost as his body could not handle the soundwaves he generated. From the beating of his own heart to the simple crack of his fingers, Hush’s body deteriorated with every sound he made. However, with the help from the Valorant team and some training, Hush turned from a bedridden radiant waiting for his eventual demise to a valuable Agent on the field, capable of removing all sound from a room to amplifying a frequency to shatter even radiantite. The perfect agent against radiants and radiantite-users.
Although his record of missions relate to sabotage and assassination, Hush is what one could describe as “normal” amongst his Valorant compatriots with their colorful personalities, albeit a bit more quiet and reserved. He can be found listening to his music player, which contains a large library of different genres of music and sounds. Despite his abilities to change noise at will and his hobby of constantly listening to songs, Hush does not write any music but he does play a mean oboe.
(C) QUIET ZONE - Equip a ball of static sound when activated. FIRE to throw a projectile that generates a zone that inflicts SILENCE on enemy players and cancels abilities that land within the zone. ALTERNATE FIRE to instantly drop it on your current position. SILENCE removes the afflicted target from using their abilities and shuts down utilities until the status effect’s duration ends.
- Credit Cost: 300
- Charges: 1
- QUIET ZONE Duration: 12 seconds
- Radius: ~6 meters
- SILENCE status effect ends right away when enemies leave the QUIET ZONE.
- QUIET ZONE vs Enemy Utilities:
- Enemy’s placed abilities within the QUIET ZONE are shut down and highlighted. Enemies cannot retrieve affected utilities.
- Likewise, enemies cannot activate or retrieve their abilities while affected with SILENCE.
- If an enemy’s ability like Killjoy’s Nanoswarm, Sage’s Barrier Orb, or Phoenix’s Hot Hands is already activated before the QUIET ZONE lands in that area, QUIET ZONE will not deactivate them.
- However, abilities like Jett’s Tailwind, Yoru’s Dimensional Drift, and Skye’s Guiding Light are deactivated immediately when entering the QUIET ZONE.
- Enemies can still throw their abilities that activate when hitting a surface above the QUIET ZONE and they will still activate.
- Example: Sova can fire his Recon Bolt over or bounce it in the QUIET ZONE and Raze can throw a Paint Shell through the QUIET ZONE as long as they themselves are not inside it and the abilities don’t land in it.
- Enemy’s placed abilities within the QUIET ZONE are shut down and highlighted. Enemies cannot retrieve affected utilities.
- Friendly’s movement, gunfire, ability, and reload audio range are reduced in half for enemies inside the QUIET ZONE.
- Does not muffle Ultimate activation noises.
- The duration and radius of QUIET ZONE is similar to Omen’s Dark Cover ability with the radius being slighter larger.
(Q) CASCADE - Instantly send a thin floor-crawling sound wave that travels in a straight line until it hits a wall, dealing damage and DAZING players it passes through before dissipating.
- Credit Cost: 200
- Charges: 2
- Damage: 40 DMG
- DAZE Duration: 1.5 seconds
- CASCADE deals extra damage to an enemy player's ability (Killjoy’s turret, Sage’s Barrier Wall, etc).
(E) ECHO LOCATE - Instantly fire a short-ranged, wall-piercing soundwave that reveals the location of nearby enemies for a brief moment.
- Charges: 1
- Cooldown: 2 Kills
- Range: ~12 meters
- Enemy’s current location will flash twice when hit with ECHO LOCATE.
- Ability activation audio can be heard 45 meters away.
(X) DEAFEN - Equip a pair of specialized noise-canceling headphones, anchoring you to your current position. HOLD FIRE to unleash a wall-piercing roar that shreds enemy player’s shields and their damageable utility that are in range, continuously inflicting SILENCE and DAZE upon them as long as FIRE is held.
- Cooldown: 7 Points
- Charges: 1
- Duration: 6 seconds
- Range: ~16 meters
- Damage to Shields: 10 DMG per second
- Damage to Utilities: 40 DMG per second
- SILENCE Duration: 4 seconds
- When HOLDING FIRE with DEAFEN, your current position and aim will be locked in place. You can adjust your aim by letting go of FIRE, stopping DEAFEN until you HOLD FIRE again or until the ultimate duration ends.
- Think Sova’s Ult and how when firing a shot from it, you can’t move your aim cursor until you fire off that charge. Similarly, when using DEAFEN you cannot move your aim cursor while firing. However, unlike Sova’s Ult, Hush cannot move using WASD whatsoever while using DEAFEN, firing or not.
- Enemies are only affected by DAZE when they are in DEAFEN’s range. SILENCE however continues to affect them after they get hit by it until its duration ends.
- Unlike QUIET ZONE, enemies that are unaffected by DEAFEN can still deploy their abilities and utilities in the area where DEAFEN is being activated.
Passive: While in the QUIET ZONE, Hush cannot be detected or scanned.
Edit: Changed the DEAFEN ult to make it less op
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