Agent Concept: Insomnia [Initiator]

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 9, 2021 6:02 PM

Name: Insomnia

Role: Initiator

Blurb: The Malaysian sleep psychologist, Insomnia is the nightmare her enemies always feared. Shadows and Slumber make a real victory for her, and its not just a dream.

Signature Ability: 1 charge. 30s cooldown.

Voiceline: Nightmare Out.

Nightmare- Equip an indestructible nightmare orb. Fire to send out an orb that explodes on contact with the ground. Enemies in the radius of the explosion get the Nightmare effect for 4s.

Ability 1: 1 charge. 300 creds.

Slumber- Immediately fire an indestructible Sleep Orb that fires like a Jett knife. If it hits an enemy, they go to sleep for 4s (basically detained). Sleeping enemies take no damage. After getting hit once with anything, the sleeping target wakes up and instantly has their gun equipped. Insomnia reholsters her gun 4s after the orb is fired.

Ability 2: 2 Charges. 200 creds.

Delirium Pathway- Fire an indestructible Delirium orb forward. It travels forward 30m for 2s and creates a 30m long path that is 3.5m wide and raises walls on path sides of the path that are as high as a Viper Wall. Enemies see everything inside this path as distorted and refracted. Path lasts for 6 seconds.

Ultimate: 6 Ult Points

Team Voiceline: This what Nightmares are.

Enemy Voiceline: Nighty-Night.

Waking Death- Start a short channel. After the channel, Enemies within 30m of you will gain Nightmare Vision and a slower Fire Rate for 8.5s. Enemies within 5m go to sleep for 3s. Radius of the channel is visible on the map.

Status Affect: Nightmare

Paranoia Effect from Spike Rush

Thanks for checking out this concept. Check out all of my other concepts here.



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