Agent Concept: Melody [Duelist]

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, April 6, 2021 4:50 AM

Agent Name: Melody

Role: Duelist

Blurb: An Austrian Legacy of previous music legends, Melody's music boosts her and her allies, building the confidence they need to reach victory. The party is on after she wins.

Signature: 2 charges.

Sonic Boom- Send out a pulse 30m in front of you that affects enemies based on the song you are listening to. It goes through walls. Deals 15 damage.

Ability 1: 1 charge. 200 creds.

Voiceline: Let's Party

Rock Out- Unplug your speakers and let your allies hear your beats for 5s. Nearby allies receive the listening buffs of your songs for 12s.

Ability 2: 2 charges. 200 creds.

Shuffle- Switch to your other song.

Ultimate: 6 Ult Points

Team Voiceline: Harmonizing.

Enemy Voiceline: Hear the Symphony!

Death Tune- Set down a device that plays music in a large radius. Enemies that hear the music are affected with the tune. Enemies affected take 30 damage after they kill someone for 20s.

Song 1:

Break it Down- Listening Buff: Gain a 5% speed boost and a 15% fire rate increase for 10s after a kill. Sonic Boom: Enemies hit by the pulse have a 10% decrease in fire rate for 10s. You listen to this song at the start of the round.

Song 2:

Turn it Up- Listening Buff: Gain a harmony counter after every kill. After you get to 40 hp or below, instantly heal for 20hp for every Harmony counter you have. Sonic Boom: Enemies hit with the pulse get the Effect, Secret Aid, for 15s. When an enemy is affected with Secret Aid, Melody gains 30hp every time the enemy gets a kill.

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