Agent Concept: Sahara

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, February 2, 2021 4:07 PM

Agent Name: Sahara

Role: Controller

Signature Ability: 2 charges. 40s cooldown.

Sandstorm Smoke- Send a smoke forward starting from your position. This smoke is shaped like a tornado (almost like a one way. . .) and goes forward 40m or until it meets a wall, which then it stops. Enemies caught in the smoke get slightly lifted off the ground and their fire rate is slightly decreased.

Ability 1: 2 charges. 100 creds.

Desert Wind- Instantly Send out a Strong wind filled with sand. This extends 12m and slows enemies that walk in it as well as have blurrier vision.

Ability 2: 2 charges. 200 creds.

Sand Dune- Create a wall of sand that allows bullets to go through and agents can go through but slowly. This wall lasts for 15s.

Ultimate: 6 Ult Points.

Temple of Set- Throw a grenade that explodes on impacts, creating a large radius of sand and wind. This Area lasts for 4s and causes agents walking through it to move towards the center a little bit and have blurrier vision. After this "storm, sand appears on the ground unevenly, creating an area of ranging elevations and slower moving. This lasts for 12s.



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