Posted by Steve
Saturday, February 13, 2021 6:02 AM
Helo guyzs I hope yuo all are doign gud! We all kno tha curent staet of balorant with itz stoopid running and funning and broekn renk systme. So here iz an agent concpet who wil make balorant batter for everibody
NAME: Squeaker, ORIGINATED FROM: Yo mama
Abiliti 1: Squeaker consantlty screems in tem voice fro sage heal and sage rebibe bcoz heal is vrey improtent adn sage has two big mountaints
Abiliti 2: Squeaker keps spammign adn aksing for tha skin of tha gan tha playere wants in both tem adn enemi chet
Abiliti 3: Squeaker procedes to earrape tha bollocks out of temmates adn screems with a pitch hihger then Mariah Carey bcoz comms are key
Abiliti 4/Ultra: His mega abiliti is goodest abiliti in the gaem. Balorant taeks controle of squeaker adn he proceeds to rush siet, falsh himself, get kiled wiht no info and then flaem temmates. All automaticilaty wiht no efort
Passive abiliti: child
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