Agent Concept: Waltz, the dancing duelist.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 7:14 PM

art by lost_lemons on twitter

Hello everyone! This is just something I did for fun, let me know what you think! (sorry for the bad editing)

Agent Concept: Waltz, the dancing duelist.

Agent name: Waltz

Race: Radiant

Role: Duelist

Nationality: Austria


C (Blossom) - EQUIP a blooming mist. FIRE the mist to place a destructible flower through a wall or ALT-FIRE to place it on a wall. Once the flower blooms, RE-USE this ability to immediately daze all players across the flower.

Info (C):

Cost - 200 credits

Charges - 1

There is an indicator on the map on where the flower will appear

Bloom time - 1.3 seconds (after using the ability, the flower needs to bloom before it can be recasted)

Unequip time after firing - 1 second

No recast animation (like Skye’s Q)

Health - 100 HP

Wind-up - 0.5 seconds

Concuss duration - 2.5 seconds

Cooldown - 20 seconds


Q (Spotlight) - FIRE to cast a slow destructible blinding mist forward that seeks the nearest enemy player. ALT FIRE to cast a stationary destructible floating mist forward. RE-USE to detonate the mist, flashing all players looking at it. (The projectile itself is a nearsight but the recast is a flash.)

Info (Q):

Cost - 200 credits

Charges - 2

When ALT FIRING, the mist goes forward a very short distance to the direction of your crosshair then stops.

Seek speed - Half of Skye's Seeker (R) speed

Max seek distance - 15 meters

Unequip time after casting - 0.8 second

No recast animation

Health - 50 HP

Nearsight duration - 4 second

Flash duration - 1.5 seconds


E (Flourish) - INSTANTLY wind-up before dashing to the direction you are aiming at. (Even vertically)

Signature ability info (E):

Cost - 250 credits

Charges - 2 charges. 3 extra charges for a total of 5 charges but you cannot buy these extra charges. These charges only refill after every kill or recently damaged enemy kills

Wind-up - 1 second (winding-up slows you down even if you’re in the air by 90% and Waltz will be unable to shoot but still be able to recast abilities)

Dash distance - 7 meters

Weapon equip time after casting - 1.6 seconds

Immune to fall damaged after casting


R (Grand Entrance) - EQUIP a throwable mist. FIRE the mist to create an obscured one-way gate through a wall that only Waltz and abilities from all players can enter. After FIRING, INSTANTLY enhance and replenish Waltz’s Flourish (E) charges to max.

Info (R):

Cost (Ultimate points) - 7

Changes to Flourish (E):

Max charges (5) refill

Wind-up - 0.4 seconds



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