Posted by Steve
Monday, March 22, 2021 7:14 AM
We all know that agents like to talk to each other, but it's always a monologue. If Omen says something about Viper, Viper never responds and the same goes for everyone else.
Or so I thought.
Few days ago when playing Killjoy, she said something like "Brimstone, I could implement your bracelet directly into your arm." I noticed that it was a voice line I never heard from KJ before, but I didn't really think about it, until Brimstone replied with "Leave my arms alone, Killjoy" and I was like "Wait, hold up."
As far as I know, agents never respond to the voice lines and this is the first time I ever heard a reply. I love this interaction, I always thought it was weird that the agents don't reply. It feels weirdly out of character f.e. for Yoru not to say anything snarky when he clutches and Killjoy says "Looks like the cool kid in class has some brains too, impressive."
I guess this dialogue came with the newest update. Anyone else heard dialogues between other agents?
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