Agent Idea

Posted by Steve

Monday, August 16, 2021 7:14 PM

I've seen some posts about agents Ideas, so I decided to share one of my own.

Name: Mubis (literally Mummy + Anubis... lol)

Class: Undead - Radiant (if there's such a thing.... what Omen is?)

Place of 'Birth': Egypt (I know it is stereotyped, sorry)

Rival: Cypher (I don't know much about cypher's storyline, so I decided to include Mubis as the one that might have something to do with his family death).

Story: Mubis was a mummy of an ancient egyptian pharaoh, but his head was chopped off and replaced by an wooden Anubis head. The mummy was part of an exposition at a Italian Museum. On Day 0, he was brought back to life by the power of radianite. Now there's something to discuss: Was Ascent created by an explosion (as we think), or Mubis was part of Kingdom experiments with radianite to bring back people's lives, and with its powers and fury he was able to elevate the whole city? Anyways, Cypher was with his family at the exposition and the accident made Nora (cypher's wife) and a little girl (maybe his daughter, or someone else like reyna's sister?) disappear in a dense sandstorm. Since then, Cypher has became a Bounty Hunter seeking for information about the one that maybe killed his family (also Kingdom workers that made the accident happen). Cypher's trapwire and camera was then created to help him with his quest.

Now I let it open for ideas of abilities and roles. I can think of two roles, by now:

  1. Role: Controller

Ability 1: Quicksand (2 charges) - Mubis can create at any map location with contact with the ground something like a sand slow of 6 seconds of duration. He needs to be looking at the spot to create de slow. To place the quicksand location, press Q and then press right click. The slow area is the same as Sage's slow orb.

Ability 2: Sand Wave (2 charge) - When pressing C and right clicking, Mubis creates a wave of dirt/sand that blinds the enemy. (It works like a mixture between breach's stun and omens blind ability). It can go through walls.

Ability 3: Life drain (1 charge) - When facing a dead enemy or ally, Mubis is able to drain what it's left from the body vital life. It regenerate half of Mubis life when pressing E. (Part of the relationship of Anubis with the Death).

Ultimate Ability: SandStorm - As the name suggests, Mubis creates an intense cloud of sand. Anyone inside the cloud is unable to hear noises, and reduces the enemy speed (not much like quicksand). Cypher's Ultimate is also unable to detect anyone inside the cloud, but a trapwire can!

  1. Role: Sentinel

Ability 1: Quicksand (same as above)

Ability 2: SandCloud (2 charges) - Its a smoke, that rises from the ground. Mubis can sense the whole map, so you travel in a sand version of the map to create the smoke.

Ability 3: Old Friend (2 charges) - Mubis can place an invisible coffin/sarcophagos (on the ground, near a wall) that opens when detecting an enemy nearby. A little mummy then holds the player, making it unable to walk for 1,5sec. No damage done. Mubis is capable of knowing when an enemy is caught. It can be destroyed, but its also informed to Mubis.

Ultimate: The Rise from the Dead - This ultimate evokes all dead allies, with 1HP, back to 'life'. Its not actually a life. The risen players, if not taken down during the round, they die again at the end of the round, or whenever Mubis is killed. In other words, it creates a mummy and fragile version of the dead teammates.

What do you guys think? Would it fit the Story? Did it make sense?

Are the abilities ok for each role? Would you change anything?

This is just for fun! Be creative!!!



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