Agent Idea for Valorant

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 4, 2021 5:05 AM

Name: Vex

Artstyle: Ringmaster-ish

Role: Controller

1st Ability: deployable mirror (attach to walls, ceiling, floor) that follows the physics of a mirror and can be broken just like the glass at ascent would (gunshots, nades, jett smokes, etc.) around 2x2 meters

2nd Ability: balloons that can be deployed within a certain radius (around 3 charges) and when shot or damaged once, explodes into a mini floating smoke (different colors would be nice) lasts ~6-8 seconds

3rd Ability: Tossing a ring that can bounce off walls and floors (similar trajectory as brimstone's molly but stronger bounce) when it hits an enemy, they are forced to stand but can still aim and shoot, single target, 2 charges maybe, lasts 1.5 seconds, and can only be reused 5 seconds after the 1st cast

Ultimate: Throws a disk that lands on the floor and enlarges and makes the floor spin (can be used to reveal enemies who are holding an off-angle or reveal their location by forcing them to run to stay in place, if they stand still, the disk will carry them maximum of a full rotation in 4 or 5 seconds

(the durations might need some changing, but I think its new and balanced enough)
(if this is a bad agent design, I suggest the next map to have mirrors :D)

What do you guys think?



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