Agent Ideas!

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 2:41 AM

What are your agent's ideas for Agent 22? or maybe an agent's idea for Agent 8

Here is an idea I made for agent 22.

Name: Mirage

Role: Sentinel

Gender: Male

Bio: Hailing from the deserts of Algeria, Mirage uses illusions to trick enemies into thinking something else, whether humanoids, guns, or items. He is sure a pain in the eyes of the enemies.


C: Doppelganger

"EQUIP a doppelganger ability in your hand, FIRE to INSTANTLY send the doppelganger into the field, ALT-FIRE to equip a tablet and choose which teammate to duplicate. Once hit the doppelganger will turn into particles.

Charges: 2
Price: 200

Q: Phantasm

"INSTANTLY throw out an illusionary gun, once the gun is picked the gun will automatically burst into a flash."

Charges: 1
Price: 250

E: Decepter

'EQUIP a decepter gadget, FIRE to place the decepter on the ground, once an enemy is in the range of the decepter, the decepter will explode into particles which will nearsight the enemy.

Charges: 1
Health: 1

X: Total Mirage

"'EQUIP a gigantic mirage wall, FIRE to send the wall, ALT-FIRE for it to stop. Once stopped the wall will create an entire fake scene, tricking the enemies into thinking it's real."

Ult Points: 7

What are your agent ideas?

Tell me :)



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