Posted by Steve
Sunday, January 31, 2021 1:57 PM
I play a lot of Solo queue and I have noticed a pattern when it comes to teammates. Most of the time, in SEA at least, Platinums are mostly toxic and expect you to do it all as an Immortal.
Common things they do:
- Call you "boosted immortal"
- Intentionally throw running down mid
- Disconnect/AFK (more than you expect)
- Instapick 4 duelists
Gameplay varies SIGNIFICANTLY between playing with Immortal and Platinums. Games are much more enjoyable when I get Immortal teammates as well or at least D3 players. Aside from it being much more enjoyable I have noticed that my winrate significantly increases as well. And yes, you can try to tell them what to do, but listening isn't in their agenda.

To prove this to myself, I dodged multiple games wherein I get games like the ones in the photo and have won most of my games and decided RECENTLY to try to play with Platinums and as expected lost most of the games. If I can't invite people 6 ranks below me, then why can I play them in my Solo Queue games? It honestly comes down to 2 decisions for me when gettting games as in the photo.
- Play the game and most likely lose
- get a 2/3 hour queue penalty
I believe that an easy fix would be to revert the old dodge penalty to a few minutes rather than giving me 1/2/3 hour bans.
EDIT: forgot to screenshot since I dodged, just got a game with SILVER 3, GOLD 3, PLAT 1 and PLAT 2.
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