AGENTS numbers - why is the number 8 missing?

Posted by Steve

Monday, April 26, 2021 6:45 AM

AGENTS numbers - why is the number 8 missing?

Hi whatching this video ( (that it's amazing) i found out that every agent has a number and looking at the released agents, number 8 is missing.

So i created this layout to show number/agent relationship

the numbers are written in the agent card in game and in the spotify playlists created for each agent.

so... Why do u think agent 8 is missing? it will be a future agent? or it's something still missing in the lore?

besides this i also found out this skye image that say number 8 in it but i think it's fake


somebody think that the number refers to the joining date to valorant protocol

this could be explained looking at this FOUNDER card that shows Brimstone and Viper called founders

so they are number 1 and 2 and if they are founder they are the first 2 joining

it might be true but i dont know cause i dont studied this deeply yet



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